Monday, May 5, 2008

Crappy Computer

Tonight I had moment of weakness. I was as close as two horny teenagers at a slow dance to sending my "ex" (I hate calling him that) an email telling him I miss him. Here's the deal, I really do miss him. I am not just being sappy and nostalgic. He is a great person to talk politics with and lately I don't feel like I can talk with many people about politics. I often engage in dialogue where I have to defend my political leanings which is great, but every once in a while it's nice to have someone who thinks similarly. With all the Barack Obama/Rev. Jeremiah Wright drama going on, it is KILLING me that I can't find anyone who thinks that RJW is a grossly misunderstood voice of truth in a country that is blinded by its own racist denial. I know my ex is probably thinking the same thing, which certainly intensifies the ex-boyfriend shaped hole in my heart. (I think that has to be the worst sentence I have ever written, but it makes a point."

Anywho, tonight I started to write an email to him explaining how much I missed our political talks. I was about to finish the last line of the message and my piece of crap computer shut down for no good reason, subsequently saving me from making a HUUUUUUUUUUGE mistake. For once, I have a reason to be thankful for this hunk of junk. Thank you, my unpredictable, undependable Compaq Presario. Seriously, thank you for sparing me from making an ass of myself. I owe you one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on the Rev. JW and Obama situation... Just FYI.

Your long lost kindred spirit and mutually frustrated, Jesus-loving, sister-friend,

Tara W-L